Monday, 25 May 2020
Drinking Water Safety Is Not New - 1416 Words
A pressing issue in todays society is the growing concern over the accessibility of safe, clean drinking water. Following a crisis in Flint, Michigan, where public officials ignored dangerous levels of lead in the city’s drinking water and thousands of children were exposed to dangerous levels of lead in their water. Beyond the obvious issues in Flint, however, there remain many problems surrounding safe drinking water. Though options to fix these problems exist, it remains challenging to find a solution that does not ask too much from small city governments that cannot afford these fixes. Further, this issue is both partisan, and impacts individuals as well with the potential to raise their taxes and make them shoulder some of the cost to rebuild and improve the infrastructure of their cities. Though the United States has some of the safest drinking water in the world, the recent crisis in Flint has brought the issue of drinking water safety to the forefront as many scandals are discovered and calls for improvement are made. The issue of drinking water safety is not new, however many citizens do not appreciate the work and money that goes into providing this water. There are many steps that must take place, and several systems that clean the water and deliver it to them. The most pressing issues surrounding this are lead contamination from different pipes and sources, and contamination from the introduction of chemicals to the water before and after treatment centersShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Drinking Water1408 Words  | 6 PagesWater. It’s what keeps us alive, but only 1% of all the Earth’s water can be used as drinking water. So shouldn’t we be more concerned about keeping this small amount of water the most healthy and clean it can be? Yes, we should beâ€â€but in reality, we are exposed to all types of regulated and unregulated chemicals in our drinking water every single day. Thousands and thousands of chemicals are made and proposed to the EPA every year to be tested and decided whether or not they would be harmful toRead MoreProfessional Engineering And The Laws1040 Words  | 5 Pagescase of â€Å"The Walkerton Inquiry†. These statutes and regulations include standard design approaches, management of water resources, construction of infrastructure and operation for the provision of quality and safe drinking water. The responsibility of Professional Engineers is to perform all their duties in compliance with the PEO standards to safeguard public health and drinking water. Federal and Provincial Statutes That Relate To the Case There are established Federal and Provincial Statutes relatingRead MoreWater Safety Plan Essay1268 Words  | 6 Pagescategory of Water and Environment Specialist and WASH in Emergency Specialist. Since August 2016, I am on TA contract (P-3 WASH Specialist - Water Quality and Safety) with UNICEF Afghanistan Country Office, working on water quality and safety component of the Rural Water Supply Program implemented by the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD). In-line with UNICEFs commitment towards Water Safety, I worked with the WASH sector organizations to initiate water safety planning, modelledRead MoreEssay1027 Words  | 5 Pageshistorical records and news outlets show the contrast in accessibility to water, the cleanliness of water supply, and the political influence in water quality to both populations. In 2000, an outbreak involving dangerous strains of E. coli pathogenic bacteria invaded the water supply of Walkerton, Ontario. Since this incident, the Canadian government has invested millions of dollars to increase urban community’s water safety. As stated from the CBC network, the City of Toronto tests water for over 300 chemicalRead MoreAn Examination of the Different Possible Microbes Present in the Water System1616 Words  | 6 PagesExamination Of The Different Possible Microbes Present In The Water System Prior To Purification Potential Damages Without Water Purification Introduction The objective of this study is to examine the different possible microbes present in the water system prior to purification and potential damages without water purification. The World Health Organization and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development report states that water related issues were high on the international policy agendaRead MoreThe Effects Of Water Drinking Water On The Health Of Children And Adults1223 Words  | 5 PagesWater Crisis in America Sanitary water is imperative for survival. In the United States people use clean water for drinking, household needs, agriculture, recreation, industry and commerce and thermoelectricity (CDC). Sanitary drinking water is most important, because contaminated drinking water can become a serious health hazard. One of the most dangerous water contaminates to human health is lead. Lead is considered a dangerous heavy metal contaminate, which generally cannot be seen in water.Read MoreEnvironmental Impacts Of Safe Drinking Water Essay1633 Words  | 7 PagesSummary The Flint Water Crisis is a current health and safety issue that is affecting thousands of Americans in Flint, Michigan. Residents of Flint are unable to use and trust the water from their taps due to high levels of contamination and lead exposure. Children and adults have both suffered from exposure to this water supply. Rashes and illness have been common across the city. The water crisis in Flint developed its start when the city stopped receiving their drinking water from Lake Huron andRead MoreArsenic As A Natural Component Of The Earth s Crust And You Can Find It1115 Words  | 5 Pageseliminate the catastrophic outcomes. More than 137 million people in 70 countries are affected by the arsenic content in the drinking water capacities. The outbreak in Bangladesh is the robust example which is needed to alert ourselves. Since the 1970s millions of Bangladeshis have suffered from the acute and the chronic effects of the consumption of arsenic-contaminated water. The crisis is s till far from resolution. The lack of coordination of the different responsible agencies as well as the disadvantagesRead MoreMunicipal Drinking Water : The Natural Resources Defense Council ( Nrdc )1692 Words  | 7 PagesMunicipal Drinking Water in the U.S In the United States we often take our tap water for granted and we seriously shouldn’t. In 2001 a study called What’s on Tap? was released by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) , a carefully researched, well-documented, and peer-reviewed study of 19 U.S cities. Alarming results found that pollution and deteriorating out-of-date plumbing are sometimes delivering unsafe drinking water to the population. Many U.S cities depend on water delivery systemsRead MoreWhat ´s Hydraulic Fracturing 763 Words  | 3 Pagescome with the process of drilling for oil and gas. There are a some commonly used chemicals in hydraulic fracturing process. Such as Methanol, which is a very dangerous chemical. It pollutes the air and is also a regulation for the Safe Drinking Water Act. Some other widely chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process is isopropyl alcohol that was used for many products. We also have the ethylene glycol which was used in 119 products ( You also
Sunday, 17 May 2020
Aileen Wuornos - 1416 Words
The Life and Death of Aileen Wuornos De’Serra Whitfield Troy University Abstract This research looks at the life and death of Aileen Wuornos, serial killer. A serial killer is someone who murders more than three victims one at a time in a relatively short interval. Serial killers have the ability to behave in a manner that arouses no suspicion. There are, however, a few signs to identify their potential to become a serial killer. People who suffers from psychopathy, involves a huge tendency towards antisocial behavior, are most likely to develop into a serial killer. FBI estimated that any given time between 200 and 500 serial killers are at large, and they kill 3,500 people a year. This high average shows that killing becomes a†¦show more content†¦The assailant had robbed all of the victims before shooting them to death and stealing their car†. Richard Mallory, 51 year old shop owner, was the first victim in 1989. Six months later, another white male was found shot six times with the same gun as the first victim. A third victim was found before t hey could identify the second body. November 1989 four more men were found dead from being shot. Police received calls describing Wuornos and Moore. In January 1991 detectives arrested both Wuornos and Moore. Wuornos confessed to killing six of the men, allegedly due to self-defense. January 13, 1992 Wuornos’ capital trail for the murder of Richard Mallory began. Capital Punishment in Context website states, â€Å"Wuornos was charged with the first-degree murder of Richard Mallory, armed robbery with a firearm or deadly weapon, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Prosecutors argued Wuornos qualified for the death penalty based on the charge of murder committed in the course of a robbery†. The case was tried in Volusia County, Florida. Wuornos was represented by Tricia Jenkins, Chief Assistant Public Defender of the Fifth Judicial Circuit. Steven Glazer, private attorney, represented Wuornos following the first trial. John Tanner was the District Attorney . According to the Capital in Punishment in Context website it states, â€Å"Judge Uriel BlountShow MoreRelated Aileen Wuornos Essay553 Words  | 3 Pagesto seek out their own heinous form of release. Often considered America’s first female serial killer, Aileen Wuornos was neither first nor the worst. She had been suspected of committing at least seven murders and was sentenced to four of cases she had confessed to police. All the while, she maintained her innocence claiming that some or all of the killings were in self-defense. Born Aileen Carol Pittman on February 29, 1956 to Diane Pratt and Leo Pittman in Rochester Michigan (Osborn, 2009)Read MoreAileen Wuornos - Essay5419 Words  | 22 PagesAileen Wuornos Criminal Justice 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice Mrs. Amanda Gentle Sarah Dean December 7, 2009 Riding the Pale Horse of Death, Aileen Wuornos murdered seven men over a nineteen-month period from December 1989 until November 1990, along highways in the state of Florida. While working as a prostitute, Aileen would solicit her victims then murder them. Wuornos confessed to committing seven murders. Aileen Wuornos was found guilty and convicted of six murders. Aileen receivedRead MoreAileen Wuornos Essay3375 Words  | 14 PagesAileen Carol Wuornos: The Life of a Serial Killer â€Å"I robbed them, and I killed them as cold as ice, and I would do it again, and I know I would kill another person because Ive hated humans for a long time.†(Wuornos, 1999-2010) These words came from Aileen Wuornos after she was arrested for the murders of seven men during the course of a year. She faced numerous adversities from early childhood through adulthood. She displayed many psychological warning signs, but none was attended too regardlessRead MoreThe Secret Life Of Aileen Wuornos:. A Women Serial Killer1954 Words  | 8 PagesThe Secret life of Aileen Wuornos: A Women Serial Killer A basic serial killer is a murderer of two or more victims at different times. There are several types of serial killers. The wildest category would be the Thrill- seekers. Thrill-seekers are known for being fearless of danger, having no remorse for their murders, irrational attitude, and impulsive behavior. They seem to enjoy the adrenaline rush they get when they kill and gain pleasure from doing it. The victims are usually strangersRead MoreThe Case Of Serial Killer Aileen Wuornos1145 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract In discussion of the case of serial killer Aileen Wuornos, the attachment and life course theories can be applied. Ms. Wuornos was neglected and abused by her guardians multiple times, which led her to a life of criminal activity. She began with small-scale crimes at an early age and eventually escalated to murder. This paper explores how the attachment theory played a major part in the life (and death) of a serial killer and how many lives could have been saved had Aileen’s circumstancesRead MoreEssay on Psychological Look at Aileen Wuornos1224 Words  | 5 PagesProfile: Aileen Wuornos Nature vs. Nurture: Aileen was born in 1956 to her 16 year old mother. She was not born with any physical or mental disabilities. At the time of her birth her father was incarcerated for child molestation and he was also believed to be a schizophrenic, he hung himself in jail and Aileen never met him. When Aileen was 3 years old her mother abandoned her and her 4 year old brother and left them with her own parents who legally adopted them. The family struggled economicallyRead MoreEssay on Aileen Wuornos2768 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿Hannah Velez FLM 400 Final Paper Aileen Wuornos: The Dark Tale of One Woman’s Descent into Infamy When did it all begin? Technically, Aileen became a murderer on December 1, 1989 when 51-year-old electrics shop owner Richard Mallory picked her up on I-75 (8) and together they drove off into the woods to meet an uncertain fate. But when did the murderous creature that is Aileen Wuornos come to be? She began prostituting herself as age 9 (5), without so much as an assault charge related to herRead MoreAileen Wuornos Case Analysis1932 Words  | 8 PagesThe following criminal analysis shows why Aileen Wuornos was convicted for the murder of six men and what lead up to these actions. These actions were not in self-defense, but out of cold blood. This profile will analyze the following: what lead up to the murder of these men, what Wuornos’s intents were, the evidence and patterns, her personality and characteristics, and her behavior. These facts and evidence will show Wuornos’s intent and motive, and whether or not she was insane. This woman wasRead MoreLife And Death Of A Serial Killer1092 Words  | 5 Pagesviewing the film â€Å"Life and Death of a Serial Killer†starring one of America’s first female serial killers, Aileen Wuornos; I began to wonder why do individuals become serial killers? What is so special about committing murders and what causes the urge, thrill and the desire to kill? What exactly is the reason behind it all? These questions constantly cross my mind. After learning about Aileen Wuornos childhood, I concluded that her upbringing was one factor that drove her to become a serial killer. Read MoreThe First American Female Serial Killer3507 Words  | 15 Pagesperson I am going to analyse in this assignment is Aileen ‘Lee’ Carol Wuornos who was considered to be the first American female serial killer (Anon., 2015). Wuornos was born on February 29th 1956 in Rochester Michigan (Anon., 2015). Her father, Leo Dale Pittman was an alleged child molester and her mother Diane Wuornos was a teen mother who was not capable of taking up the responsibilities that came about with being a mother (Anon., 2015). Wuornos’ mother abandoned both her and her brother when they
Friday, 15 May 2020
Introduction to Business Information Systems - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1877 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Q1. Transactional information system, it is day by day processing, while the information must be updated and available for all users, this type of information is made by the operational level in the organization. The responsible for this type of information is to record the daily works of the company and the pressing that happened daily. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Introduction to Business Information Systems" essay for you Create order It is also work in the store information in the transactional database, because it is used in the executive function and for design recording -repeated performance. So that it is used to analyze the daily sales and production schedual so that they will know how much they have is the store and what is the available stouck in the store from our company. There are many examples of the transasitional informational like the shopping in the market filing the petrol tank of the car or it could be also the daily work of any normal Analytical information it is the way that you achieve your goal and how to make your goal face the light. It is made by the top level in the organization and the middle level supervisor. The op level of the company always wait for her feedback or any comment for the operational level because they are the part of the company of organization who deal directly with the customer, so that if there is any comment they made a meeting and study the problem to find the p roper solution or maybe it will not problem may it be some servers that need to get approved. Alaska department of fish and game they are using the analytical database in their organization, because I think hat such things like making design in the organization must be use the analytical information because they follow up any problem happened around them and try there hard to get the right solutions to help there organization improve. There are many things in the case may approve or leads to that the type of the information that they use it is analytical information. For exampleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ To gather fish escapement information from remote areas, field workers positioned in towers scan refers to visibly count fish. This information is radioed in the next morning.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Q2. Real time information it is immediately updated information, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s proved so if the any inquiry they request to that is a very fast way because the information is up-to-date an d correct. Real time information or what known as high quality information provide very complete information without any missing things, the other things are updated information that we can get it, moreover, is that the information is changed by time and it does not fix, also the type of information is provided unique and not reputed, the last things that the information is always right and full of detail and available in time. High quality information it is very important for any organization because it helps to make a design, because whenever you have complete information without any mistake and it is keeping update that will help to make design as fast as the organization can. Moreover the high quality information can easily improve the selling in the company or help the organization to provide new strategies for selling or get higher profit. Alaskan company tern to work as sell that happened because of a good affect of the high quality information, before they use to deal with bad system which usually make delay and un correction formation but as i say th real time information have help according to the report that came form Alaskan side they say that the processing of the take information and deliver it to the other department , so they was have basically station take the information in a separate way then they send that information to another station in the same company, that was a very bad system every things wasnt recognised in a very bad way also some times there is a missing information because there was misunderstanding between all the department of the organisation so the delay of the information was lead to hardly make desigen becouse of the missing information to make desigen about the fissh and how to orgnize it. after they face many problem in there company thery choose to tern an use oracle database whcih work basicly under the hight quality information so that was realy help them to go on and orgnize the information ,recoudret,and deliv er it in a write way and in apdate maner.on the other hand this new database help to orginze the fish and see under what type thery are in then they recousrthat informationand orgnige each typein thes way, moreover thehade made a live service with provide every singel information about the fish that they have it so that will make the customer know easly about there prouduct by chiking onlie site, the good news that Alaskan company providet is that there is more that 3000 people like ther new way of selling and they use the website to chekh for the fish and the servises. Q3. Real time information it is immediately updated information, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s proved so if the any inquiry they request to that is a very fast way because the information is up-to-date and correct. real time information is all about providing information about the business and the business transaction in the same time or in imaidet time so that there is no any delay in providing right and accurate info rmation when any one is ask for the decision making. it is very important to be updated in your company so that any thingshappend around you you will know how to make decigen in a right time, also what the real time information provied for you is corrected information whcih will make that save time rather than search for the information and that may not be correct.moreover real tome information also tendsto provied a high quality information whcih again will help to make desegin in the right time. There are five common characteristics of real time information about high quality information: Uniqueness: that the information is very unique and you will not find it anywhere.tat ill ake the information maden spicaly for that organization it self so when ever they want to make any decienthey just take he information that they want it. Completeness: that the information is complete and there no any missing information. Accuracy of information are not enough. They should also be p erfectThis means Facts Figures should not be missing out or hidden. Speak the truththough not totally pointless. Accuracy: that the value of the information is correct. Must be fair and free from bias information. Should not have any calculation and grammar errors. Information comes straight or in writing likely to be much more reliable than comes as the indirectly (from hand to hand) or verbal and to be drawn later time. Timelines: that the information is correct, and the information is updated and ready whenever we want it. The info in a timely manner so the receiver of information has sufficient time to make a decision the appropriate actions Accordingly the information received. information carrying details of of past events earlier in time much less important than recently passed info like newspapers. What is information in a timely time depends on the case to case. Select the appropriate communication channel is essential skill to achieve. Consistency: that the infor mation summary is agreed and very clear. Sends info to the right person. Which means the person who has some control over their the decisions is expected to come out of access to information. So when this five common characteristics are in any informationthat will guaranty that the information that you have it is consider as a high quality information so you are saving time and at the same time you are making a good decegin. So how this five common characteristics of real time information about high quality information To begin with Completeness: the benefit of the completeness information for Alaskan that when ever any customer ask for any service they can find it because what ever they want to know they will find it, also when they want to say any desigen they will be abel to say it accourding to there complete information. Uniqness: it was like uniqe information for Alaskan they have it about there prouduct and service that they have it . Time line: that was help Alaskan in provide every single information that they collected from the orgnigation in audited manner and just in time there is no delay in provide any update information for any customer. Accuare : the information that provided by Alaskan it correct and avalibel for the customer Consistence: for Alaskan the trust between the organization and the customer it isvery important to makeselling rate go up. Q4. In the Alaskan case study we can see how the business is tern and be a very good one not like before. So as a summry to what happened in Alaskan they wasent have any database ore ther information which lead to a very por information tranfare etween hem and it is not updated because of uncomplete information that they reciveit from the fisher also the un-uniqe information that they have it ,the last things is the un-timly information that all was strongly effect the way of selling information because customer is alwase ooking for more information and correct at the same time,some customer was asking about the quality, hight,weight and coller. So after that Alaskan side that they have to make data base that will make every things easy to get, I mean they want to get the information that they need it in proficinal way and without any mistake so that they apply oracle database which it it terms help Alaskan to recive complete iformation unige in time and the most importantis the updated. So that system was really use full because it make it easy to transfare the information from department to another without any missing in formation or mistake one. So that this databasewas really help full in that eara of the earth because it was provide a very update information about the type of fish that are in that area. This system helped to know the fish in each season and when fishermen can fish and fishing is a period when mating and when the eggs hatched because this information is useful and necessary to the content of the fate of the future of this region and fish which contain in that region of the Earth. A result of this with providing this system became easy to organize and transfer information to and from fisheries in all transparency and accuracy of the finite, also kept this system on many fish in that region from extinction and also has a system to ensure that fishermen do not lose their jobs and also do not lose the trust of customers. Ref erences Lanewala, Murtaza, Characteristics of Good Quality Information (ACCURATE). Retrieve 5/5/2015 available on: accalecturenotes.blogspot.a None, analytical information, retrieve 1/5/2015 available on: None, Real Time Information (RTI) Retrieve 3/5/2015 available on Weikum,Gerhard, Transactional Information Systems, Retrieve 2/5/2015 available on
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
During People’S Life They Communicate When They Were Awake,
During people’s life they communicate when they were awake, and when they were not talking. In daily life, people often produce a lonely, insignificant, low self-esteem, puzzled feeling, all of these are caused by the lack of communication with the world. In Raymond Carver’s â€Å"Cathedral†he describe how a lonely wife get through the depress by sending tape with a blind man, and how blind man’s visiting her house change the stern type in her husband, in order to let him truly see the world. Carver use the wife, the only female character, as the starting point to show the reader how communication empowered herself and gave her a reason to live and save her marriage. This is function as a platform for women to express themselves even under†¦show more content†¦Wife’s action make the husband interchange with the blind man. As the unfamiliar people, Wife use her present in the space to make the others comfortable as well as a way to let the others admire her. This can show when husband and blind man were watching TV, wife said: â€Å"I may just sit here †¦ If it bothers you, say so. Otherwise, I may just sit here with my eyes closed until you’re ready to go to bed.†(Carver 9) Wife did not want to miss anything, even she was not involved in the conversation, she still find the other way to interact with the others. This show how communication can express not only through talk, but also being silent. Close connection and communication allows one to change their perceptions of others through interacting with these people. This process breaks a lot of judgment, stereotype and misconception about the others. Carver use Wife as an implement brings the husband and blind man to the same table, let husband know more about the blind man that were able to know the food’s location when they were eating dinner. As knowing more about each other, they start to have conversation. Only the communication is a way to break the barrier of lack of trust. When husband met the blind man at first, he was uncomfortable because the blind man does not fit his imagination. People alwaysShow MoreRelated Dreams Essay1008 Words  | 5 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Plato was a Greek philosopher who studied dreams. He thought dreams had some kind of symbolic action. Plato said â€Å"Dreams were merely messages received from gods†. In one of his dialogues, Plato stated that dreams were used as a method to achieve a particular kind of knowledge. Plato also stated that dreams originate from the organs in your belly. (Lewis 191) He said â€Å"When the belly organs are frustrated while sleeping, it censors the dreams†. Plato said that the kinds of dreams you have are basedRead MoreRacial Ideology Has Affected The Western World Essay1709 Words  | 7 Pagesa negative attitude adopted towards the African American during the early colonization period in the history of America. The Europeans exercised their harsh hegemonic power over the Africans brought from the African continent. The Africans were brutalized by the system. Europeans, on the other hand, justified their oppression using the negative imaging of Africans during slavery. Racism is still expressed in different ways prowling people’s minds in the society today (Young 52). On a lighter noteRead MoreIndustrialization During The 19th Century Essay1550 Words  | 7 Pages During the 19th century in England and other areas of Europe and era of industrialization occurred, which led to the construction of numerous factories equipped w ith new machines. Significant strides in both communication and transportation occurred during this time period. These factories altered the way that products were manufactured. They took assembly out of people’s homes and into a mass production setting. Although products became cheaper and improved the standard of living for someRead MoreA Competitive Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1014 Words  | 4 Pagessociety after the First World War, when many people were very disillusioned and trying to find meaning in their lives. Two authors that were writing during this time were T.S. Eliot who wrote his very well-known poem, â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†(1915), and F. Scott Fitzgerald who wrote his famous novel, The Great Gatsby (1925). Both Eliot and Fitzgerald criticized the spiritual emptiness in their society by revealing their characters inability to communicate, to love, and to see the truthRead More The Power of the Unconscious Essay1494 Words  | 6 PagesThe Power of the Unconscious Have you ever experienced a time when you were wracking your brain trying to come up with a thesis statement for a paper, an answer to a math problem, or the title of your new poem? You spend countless hours only to end up where you began – at ground zero. You find that your brain is starting to ache from the excessive thinking and you decide to get your mind off of the problem. You focus your attention on something else, perhaps on getting some RR and all of aRead MoreIntercultural Communication : Understanding, Culture, And Perspectives1470 Words  | 6 PagesIntercultural communication is about distinctions and variances that refer to traditional, and everyday life. In this reflection paper I will display supporting factors that contribute to my understanding of cultures. I will present my understanding of my background, experiences, culture, and perspectives. In addition. give my understanding of acceptance and differences in background, experience, culture and pers pectives outside of my culture by giving my understanding of cognitive and behavioralRead MoreThe Importance of Sleep Essay1681 Words  | 7 Pagestheories have been proposed as to why we need sleep. The simplest is that it saves energy. An individual’s energy expenditure and demand is reduced during the day, or night, as an animalistic instinct when they are least efficient to search for food. This is also supported by the decrease of body temperature and caloric demand throughout sleep. For example, when NASA sent a robot to mars, it was programmed to shut down at night so exploration would not waste energy. This is like our bodies, as they needRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1903 Words  | 8 PagesReich show the lack of individual freedom and control that people had over their lives during the destruction that occurred in the 20th century. Published in 1915, Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis came about in the heat of World War One and the economic issues that arose in capitalistic societies. Kafka wasted no time in starting his discussion about freedom and control through the life of Gregor. After he awakes and realizes he has transformed, Gregor begins speaking negatively about his job asRead More Unconcious Dreaming Essay3051 Words  | 13 Pagesactivity, or are they our mind trying to tell us something? Dreams represent many different areas of one’s life in physical, emotional, and mental ways. â€Å"When we sleep we do much more than just rest our weary bones; we tap into our subconscious mind (Ullman and Zimmerman 1979). The subconscious has much to offer about oneself. â€Å"The average human being spends one third of their life in sleep and during each sleep approximately two hours is spent dreamingâ€Å"(Ullman and Zimmerman 1979). These dreams are importantRead MoreLevel 3 Childcare Unit1 Essay6759 Words  | 28 Pagesdevelopment. 1. Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19years. The word development refers not to the physical growth of children and young people, but to the skills and knowledge that they are developing. When looking at child development it is divided into the following areas – Physical Development Refers to learning how to master physical movement. Fine motor skills These involve the small muscles of the body used
Walt Disney Is Not A Utopia - 1202 Words
If you are reading this, you know who Walt Disney is. You can name at least five Disney movies off the top of your head and recall your emotions when watching all of them. Since the 1920’s,America’s society has been morphed by Disney and his animated productions. People have grown up watching his movies and singing his songs. A single Disney song can provide unity within a room of strangers, for they instantly have the schema to sing every word and feel nostalgic.Throughout history, Disney’s films have brought light to the darkest of times,transformed the film and marketing industry, and educated childrenâ€â€young and grownâ€â€through interpretations of America’s history, moral lessons, and inspiration. He changed the way people†¦show more content†¦In 1923 he traveled to Hollywood to officially start his company, which later granted him 22 Academy Awards. Although, his childhood was not exactly the â€Å"American Dream,†he used hi s experiences to make an impact. He was a self-made man. (â€Å"Walt Disney†) Disney’s focus on his dream of becoming a professional artist, desire to spark others’ imagination, and marketing skills commenced his journey of reshaping society. His strict responsibilities as a child sculpted his hardworking persona and inclination to influence children to derive from regulation and feed their imagination. He always worked with his older siblings, plowing the fields of the farm, providing the family food by growing all kinds of vegetables. His father expected perfection, and when he didn t acquire it, the children received beatings. This would emotionally scar most children;however, Walt was resilient. As a teenager, he got up at 3 in the morning to deliver newspapers for his father’s company in the cold. He constantly did for his father, but never received compensation. His father insisted that being an artist was not a radical goal and prohibited Walt from creating art, but he continued to sneak out of the house to do so. His dream of a hav ing a cartoon company never vanished. This determination, along with his innate artistic qualities, helped build his company. Walt began drawingShow MoreRelated Walt Disney and Jet-Age City Planning Essay1025 Words  | 5 PagesWalt Disney and Jet-Age City Planning Image borrowed from Waltopia. When is a planned community too planned? Some of the exhibits displayed at the 1939 Worlds Fair such as Democracity and Futurama influenced many American community planners. The Levittown and Greenbelt projects followed the same guidelines of community that the 1939 Worlds Fair introduced. These are two of the more well known Garden City projects that took many families away from big cities and brought them to the peaceRead MoreAnd, Like The Fairs, Reflect American Urbanism And The1331 Words  | 6 Pagesunlike sleeping beauty’s castle in each of the Disney parks. 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Literacy Learning in the Early Years-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Explore the Possible Impact of Multiliteracies and Technology on literacy teaching in the Future. Answer: With the advent of science and advanced technology, it is obvious that the classrooms and the education system at large is expected to become more complex and dynamic in future. In order to impact students learning in the most desirable way, the use of information and communication technology will become indispensible. The future course of education is bound to be revolutionized, as a result of which the teaching materials, assessment practices as well as learning environments will change (Siemens, 2014). There is no point stating the fact that every moment in todays world, technology and multimedia are changing how people communicate and this is bound to affect the education system as well. The following essay intends to discuss and critically analyze the future of literacy teaching as well as the possible impact of technology on the academic learning process. First of all, it can be anticipated from now only that the future will be dominated by the visual literacy system, whereby traditional, printed books will be replaced by electronic books easily available on the tablets and smart phones (Hey et al., 2009). The text-based literacy will soon evolve and transform into a digital system of education, also referred to as digital technology, where chalk and blackboard will become absolutely irrelevant. First of all, education will no longer remain confined and will rather expand to different corners of a country. With the emergence of massive online courses, students may not need to visit the school, and will be able to complete their education by simply sitting back at home (Gee, 2013). The online cohort of students can stay at any part of the world and will choose to complete their education from some of the big, global schools, that may not necessarily be located in the native lands of the students (Green, 2015). However, for the implemen tation of such an effective education system, it is important to ensure that a fast and robust internet connection and hence the development of a strong infrastructure will become indispensible in future. It is also important to have a look at the learning environment of the class room of future schools as well. As mentioned earlier, many young students may not get themselves enrolled in a physical school and literacy will be achieved virtually. Even though some students may prefer to go to the schools, they will not be over dependent on the teacher, and are likely to be provided with wearable devices like Google Glasses, that will help the students learn digitally via electronic books and academic websites, without the need of sitting in front of a computer or holding a hand-held device like tablets or smart phones (Palaiologou, 2016). With the help of these devices, the students will learn a new rhyme or a new alphabet digitally. The assessment tests as well as annual examinations will be carried out as well as checked online, and more advanced version of cloud technology, will enable the teachers to calculate grades online as well as maintain online student grade database (Burnard et al., 2006). The classrooms will be completely paperless, and neither will there be any book, nor any mark sheet. The school teachers are likely to create apps that will motivate the young learners take interest in the curriculum (Hopkins et al., 2013). The children can have rhymes and stories in one app, which will comprise of interesting audio clips that will facilitate the development of vocabulary. On the other hand, another app can help a child draw and scribble through the screen as he learns to write new alphabets and numbers (Comber Kamler, 2005). With the development of advanced technology, innovative apps will be made accessible to each child whereby the child can write a number or an alphabet, and there will be auto-correction settings, that will inform the child whether he is right or wrong. The pedagogical theories suggest that students feel motivated and take active interest in the learning process when they are being provided with interesting things like tablets an d phones, and this motivation achieved through digital teaching will help the future child improve vocabulary use, comprehension ability and critical thinking. The education system will become more dynamic, plural and flexible in future. In fact, it should be noted that one has to think of literacy in more than the alphabetic sense. It needs to include the skills of every kind, especially the skill of reading images and elements of design, and while also taking into account the cultural and linguistic diversity of the future students. This can in fact be an invaluable resource as per turning around pedagogy that intends to turn around the issue of student failure and disengagement. In future, students will not have to suffer from the problem of learning disengagement. It often happens that many children come to school with virtual school bags that are full of various cultural and linguistic resources (Echenique et al. 2015). And yet only a handful of students are able to open their bags and make use of what is inside while the knowledge, experiences and skills of many children still remain invisible and unutilized at school (Blikstein, 2013 ). However, the virtual educational set up will help teachers to communicate with the parents, actively engage them in the learning process even when the child is at school. As and when a child exhibits signs of reluctance to study more, his mother could be called for participation via videoconferencing apps. The students coming from disadvantaged communities will consequently be able to benefit a lot in an online environment, as they will not need to come a long way to complete education (Selwyn, 2015). From the above discussion, it is clearly evident that in future, the students will be able to enjoy a more effective early childhood education system that will assist them in active engagement and encourage greater motivation. The digital literacy tools in a dynamic, virtual classroom will help in creating an organized learning environment that will offer comprehensive academic solutions to students of every community. Reference List: Blikstein, P. (2013). Digital fabrication and makingin education: The democratization of invention.FabLabs: Of machines, makers and inventors,4. Burnard, P., Craft, A., Cremin, T., Duffy, B., Hanson, R., Keene, J., ... Burns, D. (2006). Documenting possibility thinking: A journey of collaborative enquiry.International Journal of Early Years Education,14(3), 243-262. Comber, B., Kamler, B. (2005).Turn-around pedagogies: Literacy interventions for at-risk students. Primary English Teaching Association (PETA). Echenique, E. G., Molas, L. M., Bullen, M. (2015). Students in higher education: Social and academic uses of digital technology.International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education,12(1), 25-37. Gee, J. P. (2013).The anti-education era: Creating smarter students through digital learning. St. Martin's Press. Green, T. (2015). Flipped classrooms: An agenda for innovative marketing education in the digital era.Marketing Education Review,25(3), 179-191. Hay, I., Fielding-Barnsley, R. (2009). Competencies that underpin children's transition into early literacy.Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, The,32(2), 148. Hopkins, L., Brookes, F., Green, J. (2013). Books, bytes and brains: The implications of new knowledge for children's early literacy learning.Australasian Journal of Early Childhood,38(1), 23. Palaiologou, I. (2016). Children under five and digital technologies: implications for early years pedagogy.European Early Childhood Education Research Journal,24(1), 5-24. Selwyn, N. (2015). Data entry: towards the critical study of digital data and education.Learning, Media and Technology,40(1), 64-82. Siemens, G. (2014). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age.
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
How is each character introduced in Of mice and men Essay Example For Students
How is each character introduced in Of mice and men? Essay Due to his low status he wanted to have rights and he wanted to be treated fair, this could be another reason why he kept the civil rights code. The name â€Å"crooks†is a reference to his crooked back, this could be because of all the hard work he has done on the ranch. An alternative interpretation is at it is a metaphor for the way the discrimination he has suffered through his life has crippled him emotionally and physically. He is also described as a â€Å"proud and aloof man†which suggests that he keeps his distance and likes to retain some personal dignity and privacy. his eyes lay deep in his head, and because of their depth seemed to glitter with intensity. This is a portrayal of Crooks eyes. The combination of darkness and light here implies the loneliness and inner heat of Crooks. Crooks is a black and is separated by the whites so he is very lonely. The depth of his eyes suggests that he is sad, tired and lonely, but the eyes glitter with intensity, which suggests that in his deep heart, he is longing for accompaniment and he has depressed passion inside. Curley is described as a â€Å"young thin man†with â€Å"brown face, with brown eyes†this could suggest that he has spent a lot of time out in the sun. He has â€Å"head of tightly curled hair†which suggest he is wound up like a spring all the time. †like the boss He wore high heeled boots†which shows his high status on the ranch and possibly wants to be taller so people can look up to him and he can look down on everybody else. He wants to show that he is different to the rest of them and show his more powerful than the rest that is why he dresses like the boss and imitates him. His body language and behaviour shows he is very aggressive and violent because â€Å"he glances coldly at George and then at lennie†as if he is sizing them up. †he stiffened
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