Wednesday 16 January 2019

Gender Identity Essay

There are many factors that idler look on sexual activity identity. There is continuous research comparing the affect of twain biology and environment on sexuality identity. Gender identity is most always chromosomal sex although that isnt enough to rule step forward the affect of environment. Intersexuals are rare individuals who posses the typical orthogonal privates opus possessing ambiguous sexual organs of the other sex. There are also hermaphrodites who possess both(prenominal) testicular and ovarian wander. These two factors that determine gender identity are caused by hormonal factors in prenatal development. Hermaphrodites usually assume the gender identity of the sex assignment at birth.A sex assignment is the process of ascertain the sex of a boor at birth. Intersexualism has given scientists a chance to compare environment and biology. Intersexualism intend a person possesses a whole, either priapic or distaff reproductive organs. They also possess in ternal or orthogonal tissue of the other sex. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia is a form of intersexualism in which a genetic fe antheral has internal female sexual structures but masculinized external genitals. Androgen-insensitivity syndrome is a form of intersexualism in which a genetic male is prenatally insensitive to androgens such that his genitals are not normally masculinized.Dominican majority rule Syndrome is a form intersexualism in which a genetic enzyme disorder prevents testosterone from masculinizing the external genitalia. CAH is caused by exposure to androgens which are produced naturally through adrenal or mothers may put one over received synthetic androgens to prevent miscarriage in women who have a family history of miscarriages. Research has been done on CAH and results have shown that girls with CAH act more than than like a boy. They are more evoke in masculine toys such as trucks while girls without are more interested in beting with dolls. Girls with CAH show more aggression in play and tend to have more male friends while girls without CAH play with other girls. There are many kinds of androgen-insensitivity syndrome. One involves a male having a sensitivity to prenatal androgen due to a mutated gene. At birth, their genitals are feminized and can even include a sensitive vagina. This insensitivity causes male internal reproductive organs to remain undeveloped. Girls can have partial androgen-insensitivity syndrome or complete androgen-insensitivity syndrome.Girls with CAIS develop typical genital external organs but their internal reproductive organs to not function properly. Girls with PAIS are usually raised as boys but sometimes as girls. Research results show that women with PAIS have no difference in gender identity in comparison to women without although they are born with external masculinized genitalia. Three things that have effected the gender identity of my own are very simple and generic. Of course, I have ex ternal male genitalia which in turn makes the perception I have of myself lean more towards creation a man. I was raised by mom and altogether my mom so being the man of the house was always being presented to me because I was also an only child. This masculinized my attitude overall and gave me an alpha male self-esteem at an early age.I played a chain reactor of sports which exposed me to aggressive play and taught me how to play hard. One of my reasons is backed by biology and the other two are backed by environment. This doesnt mean that environment has a larger affect on gender identity but it is the direction I chose to go when analyzing my own factors of determining my gender identity. In conclusion, there is still no real do when the question is asked nature or nurture? Gender identity is generally influenced by biology and prenatal androgens but parenting and encouraging by a primary caregiver can influence gender identity greatly. many factors can determine gender ide ntity and prenatal conditions can cause internal and external differences in genitalia which will affect both sex assignment and gender identity.

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